
March 8, 2013

How to Search for Jobs With Google-from

Transcript:How to Google Search for Jobs

Hi, this is Dimitri LaBarge for Today, we're going to talk about how use Google to find a job.

Information About Google Search for Jobs

There are a lot of job boards out there, but why not use the massive reach of Google's search capabilities to help you find a job? Typically the first thing someone would do when looking for a job via Google is to type in something like…jobs. This isn't going to be very effective in getting you to a job listing, though it might be pretty quick to get you to a job board like

More Information About Google Search for Jobs

Making Google work requires some knowledge as to how to target searches.One of the great commands that Google has available is the intitle command. In this case, you would type intitle: with a colon, and then put the name of a career or line of work you're looking for. The intitle command tells Google to look at listings where a particular word is in a site title. This is really helpful as many job listings will have the position right there in the title. Let's put in something like cardiologist and see what happens.

Additional Information About Google Search for Jobs

Right away, you can see that we have a much more targeted result. A number of cardiology websites came up right away. But this didn't bring up the job listings that we were looking for. So let's add a modifier. The way you do that is to add another intitle: listing, but this time, put it inside parentheses. This tells Google to perform a secondary search.
Here, we're going to use intitle:job. So, the primary search is for cardiologist, and Google will cross-reference that with job.There we go. Now we have a nicely specific listing of sites with cardiologist openings. If you want to expand even further, add OR in that secondary search and add another intitle: listing. Try intitle: employment, for instance.)

You can make this more specific by adding a search term in quotes. For instance, if you add "competitive salary" to this search, you'll get a listing of cardiology jobs offering great pay. Be imaginative! That's a great place to unleash attractive terms like great benefits, or maybe executive position.

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